A blog about ideas relating to philoinformatics (or at least that have something to do with computer science or philosophy)

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Subjective Consistency

I've been researching all kinds of data stores (well, actually relational, key-value, and document data stores) and I've become aware of the interesting constraint on distributed data stores known as Brewer's CAP Theorem. The idea is that you can't have Consistency, Availability, and Partition tolerance, simultaneously in any distributed data store. It looks like it's difficult to get complete consistency on a single node (see: Isolation Levels) and it's thought to be impossible to get it on a network scale (because of CAP theorem). This is where "Eventual Consistency" usually comes in, relaxing consistency for availability and partition tolerance.

Interaction-Centric Consistency
Hopefully I can frame my idea properly now that I've confused you with some terminology. My initial thought was: What kind of guarantees can a data store offer if a single user or application talks to the same node in the network? We could call this a "data session" or an "interaction". It's a kind of network transaction idea, looser than a data transaction. Anyways, I wonder if  you could guarantee a stronger level of consistency by using your distributed network in this way. There might be a way to offer an apparent or subjective temporary consistency. Ultimately, the idea is that maybe if we make use of the patterns of access we expect from our users, then we won't need strict distributed consistency in the first place for a good number of applications.

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